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1966年某天,卡斯特罗偶然抽了一根由他的侍卫所购买的散装手卷雪茄,发觉无论口感还是香气都非常出众,于是便吩咐侍卫聘请那位卷烟工人爱德华多利柏拉当卡斯特罗专用的雪茄卷制师。此后,爱德华多一直在哈瓦那近郊的一幢意大利式豪宅内替卡斯特罗卷制雪茄,并且受到严密保护。这个专供总统、高官及外宾享用的极品雪茄一直都没有命名,到了1968年才正式命名为 Cohiba ,他出产三种卡斯特罗最喜爱的尺寸,分别为 Lancero 、 Corona Especiale 和 Penetela 。
高斯巴牌雪茄更是古巴雪茄的极品,在雪茄业的权威杂志——美国《Cigar Africionabo》(《雪茄迷》)中,高斯巴始终位居雪茄扫仁名榜前列。
目前,生产Cohiba的工厂有职工200余名,每人每天卷90—100支雪茄。高斯巴六种最著名的雪茄品种是Lanceros、Esplendido、Coronas Especial、Robusto Exquisito、Panetela。
Cohíba began with the cigars smoked by a bodyguard of Fidel Castro's named Bienvenido "Chicho" Perez. Castro noticed he often smoked a "very aromatic, very nice" cigar. When asked by Castro what brand he smoked, he replied that it was rolled by a friend of his who would give him some of these special cigars as gifts.
The man in question was a cigar roller working at the La Corona factory in Havana named Eduardo Rivera. Castro approached Rivera about rolling cigars for him personally and set him up with five other rollers in a former diplomatic mansion in a suburb of Havana known as El Laguito (Spanish for "the little lake"). Later, the factory became the first cigar factory to be staffed entirely by women torcedoras (cigar rollers).
The cigars were reserved for Castro himself, other high-ranking Cuban officials, and were commonly presented to foreign dignitaries as gifts. Castro himself is reputed to have been particularly fond of the long, thin cigars rolled for him, especially the sizes that would become the Lancero and Corona Especial.
To coincide with the 1982 World Cup being held in Spain, Castro decided to release his personal cigars as a premium cigar brand for public consumption. When it was first launched in 1982, the Cohíba marque consisted of three vitolas or sizes: the Panetela, the Corona Especial, and the Lancero. In 1989, three more vitolas were added (the Robusto, the Exquisito, and the Espléndido) and together with the first three vitolas are referred to as the Línea Clásica.
In 1992, in comemoration of Christopher Columbus and his voyage to the Americas, Habanos SA launched the first sizes in what it calls the Línea 1492, with each size named for a century that has passed since Columbus' discovery. The initial launch included the Siglo I, Siglo II, Siglo III, Siglo IV, and Siglo V, with a Siglo VI added in 2002. A long-standing rumor is that the original Línea 1492 was a replacement for the Davidoff marque that recently ceased production in Cuba (as each of the first five "Siglos" corresponded to a size in the Davidoff line-up).
Outside of the regular production lineup, Habanos SA regularly releases limited release Cohíba cigars for such events as the annual Habanos Festival, brand anniversaries, and their annual Edición Limitada release of limited edition special sizes of their various cigar brands wrapped in a darker vintage leaf.
Cohíba also produces two machine-made cigarillos: the Mini and the Club.
Habanos SA also leveraged the renowned Cohiba brandname throughout the years and have produced Cohiba cigarettes since 1987 and Extra Cohiba Cognac since 1999.
As of late 2006, Cohíba has released four different Edición Limitada Cohíbas: the Pirámide in 2001, the Double Corona in 2003, the Sublime in 2004, and a remake of the Pirámide in 2006.